Monday, August 16, 2010

Praise River

"My heart bursts its banks, spilling beauty and goodness.  I pour it out in a poem to the King, shaping the river into words."  Psalm 45:1 (Message)
This morning's walk and a weekend of activated senses brought praise after praise after thanks after thanks to the King of my heart, the Lord of Lords.  Today I am  shaping this praise river into words as  - -I give thanks for:

#373 - 382

smelling honeysuckle and basil in the garden

smelling flavors from food on the grill

seeing five orioles on my walk

seeing the fog roll away as sunlight appeared

hearing my husband pray for youth going off to college and the military

hearing my mother give thanks to God for provision

feeling the heartbeat of a young child pausing for a hug

feeling the warmth of water as vegetables get rinsed

tasting food prepared for gathering of church family

tasting and seeing that the Lord is good - always good!

Today, I pour my river of thanks to the joy

Join Ann's Gratitude Community today - thanks is contagious!

holy experience


  1. Stopping by from Ann's place...thank you. I killed my basil early this spring (forgot to water it; I'm a terrible gardener!), so I can definitely sympathize with the smell of basil as something to be thankful for!

  2. The hug heartbeats grab me and pull me in. As always a joy to splash around in thankfulness. Your blog, simply delightful.

    Splashin' in His goodness,

  3. @Kathleen, I so relate to forgetting to water plants! I enjoy your writing.

    @Sara, "hug heartbeats" are priceless! I am learning from you how to splash around daily.
