Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Falling Forward into the Future

Walking through the neighborhood;
pondering questions;
hearing answers...

Colorful leaves
leaving trees
falling down,
while I fall forward
into the next adventure

So long for now...
Beautiful, bountiful leaves...

All lined up..ready for fall.

A touch of pink

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Embracing grace

Since I last posted on this page, life happenings turned my world upside down...and I have learned to embrace the grace for the season.
With a new job, fresh outlook, repaired foot, and promise of continual growth, I embraced a new season last year this time. 
Interestingly, as I opened to new directions, additional new perspectives, connections, and deepened understanding trickled, sometimes flooded into my life.
I am grateful for the grace to embrace a new, fresh, repairing, and growing season.
Today I give thanks for:
*voice lessons to help with singing my song in this new season
*meaningful work for family members
*ocean rest and relaxation

*Mother's new home and new routines

*faithful friends over the years

*another anniversary - more opportunities to live the "I do"

*grace to accept, grace to change, grace to be still and know

Where in your life are you embracing grace for the season?
