Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Entering His Gates

Remembering the road to Calvary unleashes waves of thanksgiving.  Today I enter His gates with thanksgiving in my heart for:

#182  encouragement from friends to keep believing in spite of what I see

#183  family love, family fun, family unity

#184  the Blood that bought my freedom

#185  Love that gave freely

#186  Spirit power that resurrects

#187  the privilege of partnering in prayer

#188  songs of deliverance during the night

#189  joy in the morning

#190  authenticity (being for real)

#191  the goodness and faithfulness of the Lord

holy experience

Monday, March 29, 2010

Trusting the Process

While working together on challenging projects, a friend encouraged me to "trust the process."  In recent weeks, the words have taken on an expanded meaning.  The season of Lent brought me face to face with areas of my heart that require transformation. 

A lingering question for me is: how much space in my heart is available for Christ's Lordship?

When I am:

distracted by responsibilities;

worried about outcomes; and

amazed by evidences of grace and mercy...

I continue to learn to trust the process because the Lord is:
Declaring the end and the result from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all My pleasure and purpose.           Isaiah 46:10

Monday, March 22, 2010

I Cannot Rush Resurrection

The past week has been one of the most upside down, inside out, perplexing times I have experienced this year.  News from several fronts heralded:

"this is worse than you thought"

"she died on Tuesday morning"

"the opposite of what you've prayed for arrived"

"he died today"

"how much more can he take"

"energy to press forward diminishes moment by moment"

But then, rising from the depths of my spirit, in a crescendo that burst through my discouragement and sadness came the truth:
The Lord never leaves me; His mercy endures forever; He is good and He does good.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Getting Ready

The winter seemed long this year.  An abundance of cold and snow prompted thoughts of hibernation!

This week has been a delightful reminder of seasonal rhythms...spring follows winter - always.

As I get closer to Easter, I am pondering the impact of the resurrection in my daily life.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Hearing and Vision Screening

The school nurse in me chuckled when the picture appeared: sheep in a pink haze. 

The thought came to me: I need my vision checked. 

When I asked (twice!) for the one speaking to repeat what he said, I thought: I need my hearing checked.

In fact, since embarking on the fast that chose me,  I have experienced several instances of spiritual hearing and vision screenings.

I learned how dim my vision and dull my hearing can be at times.  I am thankful for grace that answers the cry of my heart:


Seeing and hearing Jesus helps me more clearly see and hear people. 

I am grateful today for: 

#162  ears to hear

#163  eyes to see

#164  the love of God who does not judge by what he sees with his eyes 

#165  the love of God who does not decide by what he hears with his ears

#166  new mercies every morning

#167  new perspective on assignments

#168  renewed heart of gratitude

#169  friends for the journey

#170  loosened chains of injustice

#171  dancing feet now freed

holy experience

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Silenced in the Garden

Since I was a young girl, one of my favorite songs to sing is "In the Garden." 
When I think of silence, my mind goes back to this song.

I picture myself in a garden with the Lord. 

I do not cannot say a word; I am in awe of the One who knows me and loves me.

I am silenced...

Being in the presence of my Redeemer humbles me. 

Sitting in the garden with the Resurrection and the Life renders me speechless.

Basking in the warmth of the Bright and Morning Star transforms me.

Resting in the care of the Good Shepherd comforts me.

 I come to the garden alone

While the dew is still on the roses
And the voice I hear falling on my ear
The Son of God discloses.
And He walks with me, and He talks with me,
And He tells me I am His own;
And the joy we share as we tarry there,
None other has ever known.   
Charles Austin Miles (1912)

holy experience

Monday, March 8, 2010

Thank You Notes

As I continue on the road to listing 1000 gifts, I am overflowing this day.  My thank you notes burst from a grateful heart as I thank God for:

#152  ears to hear requested guidance

#153  the voice of gratitude sharing good news of diminished pain

#154  the winsome voice declaring today's arrival of prayed for documents

#155  hearing my name at the airport; turning to see my true love come to surprise me

#156  dear friend's prayer while on the road to serve up love

#157  love gift of presence for cousin in a hospital bed

#158  encouraging words received and given

#159  singing out loud and loudly in the car to Him who sits on the Throne

#160  sunshine on my skin

#161  sister talk about growing wise

holy experience

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Can You Hear Me Now?

When the telephone rang, I heard the message that my child's body was again in distress.  A distance of over hundreds of miles did not dull the ache in my mother's heart as I followed the progress of intervention and healing.  By the second day, in the dim, early morning hours, I knew what I had to do...I had to be physically present to serve up love in action - practical help for family in need.  After sharing this desire with my intrepid young adult and my wise husband, plans were made and within that same day, I was present, with joy, serving up love.

The sure word of guidance came when light was dim.  Though all seemed dark, in His Light, I see light.  His voice was clear.  His voice spoke light into darkness and strength into my weary, prone to worry soul.  Peace came...so did healing.  I hear you, Lord.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

More than My Necessary Food

I began this year with the goal of reading through the Bible.  I have done this before, so I knew that in reality the Word would be reading me. Day after day, in old and new covenants, Words of Life draw me more deeply into His presence.  I am seeing and hearing the things that weigh me down: habits, thoughts, tendencies that fill me up, leaving little room for Light.

So, I continue to lean into the fast that chose me....  I listen to His voice in the voice of people.  I adjust myself in order to hear and obey...and I seek; I worship; I hunger for Life and Light...I find Him who was there all the time...the One I praise; the One who satisfies like no one and nothing else can.  I long for home...


O God, You are My God;
Early will I seek You;
My soul thirsts for You;
My flesh longs for You
In a dry and thirsty land where there is no water.
So I have looked for You in the sanctuary,
To see Your power and Your glory.

Because Your lovingkindness is better than life,
My lips shall praise You.
Thus, will I bless You while I live;
I will lift up my hands in Your name.
My soul shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatness,
And my mouth shall praise You with joyful lips.
Psalm 63:1-5

Monday, March 1, 2010

Leaning on Love

I knew it was coming. 
When I turn my heart to listen to Love, the opportunity to lean into Love expands.
So, I waited expectantly for opportunities to lean. 
During this season, I thank Love for:

#142  grace to linger quietly in Love's presence

#143  courage to make connections that rekindle embers long cold

#144  strength to admit frailty that limits vision

#145  hands that grab hold and gently lead

#146  joy in the presence of young love

#147  words that refresh weary hearts

#148  laughter in the eyes of my dear husband

#149  wonder of Light in dark places

#150  grace to speak and grace to be silent

#151  delight discovered and received!!