By week's end, I longed for a quiet place where I could breathe deeply and quiet my body and soul. Hectic and hurried described this week.
As I browsed shelves at the local library, I saw one of the tools I will use in this summer's reframing project
The title alone, breathe: Creating Space for God in a Hectic Life, caught my attention.
In the book, Keri Wyatt Kent, focuses on slowing, simplicity, and sabbath-keeping. As I read, I look forward to the journey toward a reframed view of rest.
"At its heart, simplicity is a relationship with God that is focused on him and is growing, changing, evolving." Keri Wyattt Kent
In what ways do you breathe deeply?
I am so needing rest. I think I'm going to make a post tomorrow and then not post on a Defined Life for the rest of the week. Blogging has been such a blessing in my life. It has been a tool for growth in many areas of my life, but it has also made things more hectic. It takes time away from other things, especially when I'm maintaining two blogs. I need to refocus and reprioritize - or should I say, I need to reframe.