Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Nothing Between

Seeing Jesus in the dental chair can be a stretch, but that is what happened to me today.

The kindhearted and technically skilled dentist spent time and tools removing dental plaque hidden deeply in the gums.

As I heard his gentle voice checking in with me:

"How are you doing?" or "Lift up your chin and open as wide as you can", I wanted to obey.  I wanted to cooperate with removing the barriers to oral health.  I wanted nothing between my teeth and gums that would harm the way they worked together.

So, I listened; I obeyed.  I heard the teaching and eagerly nodded my assent to what needed to happen on my end to keep nothing between.  Armed with bristles and floss; water pic and toothpaste, I will keep nothing between.

As I pondered my relationship with the Lord while reading chapter one of Isaiah, I wondered: what hinders my closeness to the Lord?  Is there anything for which I need to repent?  Has the wear and tear of living come between us? 

I made a decision.  I will actively seek to stay in close relationship with the Lord allowing nothing between my soul and the Savior

Not ingratitude, not the "plaque of daily living", not indifference to the sufferings of people, not the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, nor the pride of life.

Open my eyes Lord.  Help me keep the way clear.  I need to see you.
Nothing between my soul and the Savior, so that His blessed face may be seen...Keep the way clear!  Let nothing between.
How have you seen Jesus today?  Share with those of us who are walking in community.

holy experience