Thursday, February 17, 2011

Transforming Perspective

With anxious thoughts ricocheting back and forth in my head, I escaped outside for a walk at lunchtime.  I unsuccessfully tried to out-walk the thoughts. 

My pace slowed as I searched my mind bank for help.  A song came to mind and I laughed at loud.  Indeed, I thought - this is the stuff You use

I felt the tension leave  my shoulders as I continued my walk on this spring-like winter day.

Then, I saw it - evidence that perspective can transform how we see and experience our lives.

At some point during the Christmas season, someone saw the possibility of celebrating even on the edge of this murky creek.  I smiled.

I began replacing my anxious thoughts with right here and now evidence of gifts in my life. 

Perspective transforms!
You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you!  New Living Translation (©2007)
How have you experienced the transforming power of perspective?

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