Monday, February 21, 2011

Making Moments Count - Trust and Thankfulness

She admired the butterfly on my coat lapel; I shared how butterflies remind me of hope and transformation.

Like a butterfly emerging from a cocoon, my heart expands and takes flight on this cold, dreary day.  As my heart grows in trust and thankfulness,  shadows diminish and light brightens. 
But my  eyes are fixed on you, O Sovereign Lord; in you I take refuge... Psalm 141:8
I stretch, unfurl, and display the wonder of His grace in the life set free to trust and praise the Redeemer. His presence, I becoming...will become...
So then,just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in Him, rooted and built up in  Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing  with thankfulness.  Colossians 2:6,7
Sarah Young in Jesus Calling: Enjoying Peace in  His Presence, reminds me that "thankfulness keeps you from criticizing and complaining."

I need thanks-giving - throughout my days- moment by moment trust and thankfulness count.  Today, I count and joyfully give thanks for:

#682 walking and talking by the harbor with my gracious, patient husband

#683 spying a stunning blue orchid

#684 visiting a teacher and mentor
#685 being pulled by the finger to walk with my favorite toddler
#686 remembering what was and rejoicing in what is - He is faithful!
#687 receiving grace to trust Him more
#688 eating the words from Ann's pages - digesting them, swallowing them, doing them
#689 shredding cabbage for slaw
#690 sharing book titles with a teen
#691 hearing the strength returning in his voice
#692 watching her choose rest
#693 walking in the neighborhood on a windy afternoon
#694 sharing crackers with three hungry teens
#695 deciding to slow down
#696 seeing morning light through the blinds
#697 concocting a new sauce - cranberry and apple - yummy!
#698 writing and reading about writing
#699 developing new strategies for completing a project
#700 reading encouragement and affirmation in cards from family
#701 being here - really here and now
#702 lingering over dinner with friends
#703 celebrating limited chemo side effects with a friend
#704 recalling a dear one whose well-lived life left a legacy
#705 taking a break to breathe deeply
#706 reaching out for help
#707 reaching out to help
#708 calling His name - receiving Peace
#709 singing.out.loud - in the car
#710 choosing joy in this moment
In joy,

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