Monday, August 2, 2010

So Good to Give Thanks!

One of the traditions we practiced while my children lived at home involved a simple acknowledgment of the arrival of a new month.  The acknowledgment could be a simple as a "Happy August (or whatever the current month was) to reading books or making crafts related to the month.

With child-like anticipation and joy for this new month, I give thanks for:

#353 - 362

evening surprise celebration of niece's happy birthday

weekend of sharing meals with covenant friends

moments of sister laughter, so rich

week of learning in new environment

anniversary month praise

vacation anticipation

words heard, words spoken, strength arising

growing, fragrant lavender

cool breezes in the early morning

insight from wise youth

What a beautiful thing, God, to give thanks, to sing an anthem to you, the High God!  To announce your love each daybreak, sing your faithful presence all through the night.    Psalm 92: 1-2
holy experience


  1. Enjoyed stopping by your blog through Ann's blog.

    I have to say that the words heard, words spoken, strength arising, were the gifts you wrote about that spoke to my heart. I love that the words heard and spoken for me come directly through Him, His word, and His people. Thanks for sharing ....

  2. I enjoyed hearing about the tradition you had of welcoming each new month when your children were still at home. It brought a smile to my face because my husband and I always exchange a "happy ....whichever month it is" the first of each month. It gives us a "fresh start" kind of feeling! :-)

    Enjoyed your gratitude list, also. "insight from wise youth". That, my friend, speaks so much of your humility. So many times adults feel that there is nothing to learn from those younger than ourselves.

    "moments of sister laugh, so rich" ....I love that!

  3. @Dianna, how wonderful for you and your husband to greet new months with blessings to one another! Blessings and joy...
