Saturday, July 31, 2010

Listening and Hearing: Transparency Required

Walking in the early morning hours before work days yielded rich gems this week.

Aside from the evidence of Glory everywhere I looked;

Listening ear?
evidence of Glory rang in my heart as I uncovered before the Lord my stress, uncertainty, frustration, and need for perspective.  

I listened; He spoke; I heard; He guided; I followed;
He encouraged; I took action...

We communed together in the glorious early morning.

Transparency opened up my ears to hear!

Today, I read a post by my dear friend, Tina's blog about surviving storms. 
Tina reminds me of the vital need to be real with where my feelings are, all the while seeking the Lord's will and way for my response to the storms I face.

Perspective received; eyes and ears opened anew!!

Have you had eye or ear openers recently?


Do you see the black naped oriole perched on a stem?


  1. Transparency is SO required in relationships, isn't it? Listening...truly an area that Abba has been teaching me recently, Donna. Thank you for sharing it so beautifully here.

    By the way...I did find the black naped oriole in your photo. Love all of those colors together!

  2. I enjoy viewing the manifestation to glory every morning I can. It's my favorite part of the day. The whole earth is full of his glory. (Isaiah)

  3. @Dianna - the orioles were flitting over flowers and trees that morning. The colorful scene drew me close to the birds.
    Have a great week!

    @Cassandra - I agree that the morning shows forth the glory of God! Mornings are also my favorite time of day. In joy...
