A recent morning in the dentist chair was revealing - in many ways.
My dentist discovered that I grind my teeth when the effects of grinding left a mark on two teeth. The teeth broke.
So, I found myself in the chair making an impression, so that a night guard can help minimize the effects of teeth grinding.
During this year of transformation - becoming, I am being transformed by the impressions I make and that are made in me.
Words are transforming; I am using them; they are finding me - bringing healing and hope
Worry weighs us down; a cheerful word picks us up. Proverbs 12:25 (The Message)
This week begins with gratitude for impressions - gifts - that lighten the spirit, soul and body.
#1038 - #1055
dental insurance
knowledgable dentist and hygienist
celebrating new parents
connecting with friends
dancing with a 21 month old girl
shared meal
movie night with friends
healing prayers
bringing order to deskspace
praying through challenges
receiving assistance
new neighbors
cooler temps
peaceful heart
hearing truth
extending grace
sitting still - knowing God a bit more
Impressions transforming...

#1038 - #1055
dental insurance
knowledgable dentist and hygienist
celebrating new parents
connecting with friends
dancing with a 21 month old girl
shared meal
movie night with friends
healing prayers
bringing order to deskspace
praying through challenges
receiving assistance
new neighbors
cooler temps
peaceful heart
hearing truth
extending grace
sitting still - knowing God a bit more
Impressions transforming...

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