After a long work day, I hesitated to go, but hope said: "Sure! Stop by as you wind around the block."
Lisa, Chrystal, Hope (soon to be 4 years old), Casey (the dog) and I met up and began walking.
Hope asked me why the fence posts were pointed;
she walked in open-eyed wonder.
Chrystal (Hope's mother) and Lisa (Hope's aunt) shared with me a story that continues to ring in my soul.
Chrystal and Lisa looked through a book to seek discussion questions for a group of women.
Hope listened.
Lisa and Chrystal found a question: if you could have any person's heart, without them having to die, whose would you want? The ladies thought.
Hope said: Jesus. She wanted the heart of Jesus.
As I pondered this story, I thought: "I want what Hope said; I want the heart of Jesus."
Jesus did have to die for me, for us, to have His heart. So wonderful to know that He is alive forever!
I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. Ezekiel 36:26I am grateful for this heart transplant. Thank you, Father.
With heart,

Love this! Oh to be like little children!