Monday, February 15, 2010

A Wealth of Wisdom

Over the past week, I reflected on the wealth of wisdom I have received over the years.  Many generous hearts and minds have poured into me personally and through books.  Today, I am grateful for wisdom from:

#121 Mama and Mom (my mother-in-love), wisdom given in word and deed;

#122 Daddy and Dad (my father-in-love), both now in heaven;

#123 my precious sisters, including the one now in heaven, and wonderful brothers;

#124 gracious sisters and kind brothers from marriage;

#125 men and women of faith who poured into my life from childhood through the present;

#126 my best friend, lover, husband whose wisdom deepens daily;

#127 my daughter and son who provided wise words as children and now as adults;

#128 shepherds who taught and modeled how to walk in wisdom;

#129 authors I never met, but who taught me much;

#130 Anne Ortlund, whose writing and encouragement have greatly shaped my life over 20 years;

#131 the ever present, loving, powerful, wise God who teaches me daily...

holy experience


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sorry, I tried to post a comment and messed up! Anyway, this is a nice post. I have the first Anne Ortlund book that you listed here. It is full of wisdom isn't it? I see you are fairly new to blogging. Are you having fun? I have 3 blogs. I hope you'll stop by for a visit. Take care and have a great week!

  3. Loved that book Disciplines of the Beautiful Woman. I have a friend who knows Anne Ortlund personally and she's the same in person as in her books, even better so I'm told.

  4. Bonita, I recently took time to email Anne Ortlund to thank her for the wealth of wisdom she provided over the years. I was delighted to receive a gracious response.
    By the way, your blogs are so encouraging to me. Thank you for writing about writing!
