Monday, February 1, 2010

No Worries

My daughter often says, "no worries."
Those two words are a reminder for me to trust the Lord - always.
Over the past several days, I have embraced this truth:
The One who watches over me always does just that - watches over me!

With that in mind, today I am grateful for...

99.      the healing hand of God

100.  protection from harm (the car damaged, not humans!)

101.  growing awareness - eyes wide open

102.  a ride to work from a friend

103.  gracious husband preparing the car for me to drive

104.  a heart that says - 'please help me'

105.  perspective that grows daily

106.  evening sunshine coming through the windows

107.  mentors who freely share life and wisdom

108.  enduring memories that music gently awakens

109.  a husband's loving whispers and actions

110.  a heart cleansed with words that are spirit and life

111.  a home built on covenant, caring, cherishing, and more...

How lovely is your dwelling place, O Lord Almighty!  My soul yearns, even faints for the courts of the Lord; my heart and my flesh cry out for the living God.  Psalm 84:1-2

holy experience


  1. Much love to you Mama M, and to your daughter, my dear friend! =)

  2. Hi Jen,

    Greetings to you and Duncan. I enjoy following your journey on the blog.

    With much love.

    Mama M
