Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Walking the Path of Peace

On Saturday, I walked in the rain...for over an hour.  The rain began as a sputtering, hesitant, mist.  Slowly, clouds hovering low opened their pores and released big, drops of rain.  I kept going - halfway between here and there. 

When everyday life happenings find me between here and there - as it did last week - I am learning to pause for a moment.  In that pause, that Selah, I have an opportunity to re-orient my steps on the path of peace.

Sometimes, I right my steps with ease.  Other times, I stumble, eventually turning in the direction for me.  In both cases, I need help, i.e., "God-revealing light" to help me on my way.
Through the heartfelt mercies of our God, God's Sunrise will break in upon us, shining on those in the darkness, those sitting in the shadow of death, then showing us the way, one foot at a time, down the path of peace.  Luke 1:78-79 The Message
Growth in gratitude helps me spot that Sunrise that breaks in on me.  I need a grateful heart - gratitude continues to transform me.  Giving thanks for:

#941 - #960
Sonshine even when rain falls
robin singing in the rain
gentle jogging in the rain
visible mercy drops
planting while drops fall

joyful sibling moment
once young, now adults
wise words, kind words
laughter seeping from stories
sharing food, sharing fun

upside-down world
finding life emerge from death
seeing through new lenses
Mama's peach cobbler
food for the body and soul

generations celebrating
Gift of Life acknowledged
prayers like conversations
rainbow arches
cool spring breeze

Walking still...

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