"In God's wisdom, He frequently chooses to meet our needs by showing His love toward us through the hands and hearts of others." Jack Hayford
On this day when love is spoken of and sung about - celebrated and desired, the Love of God offers roots and grounding so that we may know his love that surpasses knowledge (Ephesians 3:17-19).
How does He love me, let me count the ways. I am grateful for love shown through:
#672 - Perfect Love that delivered me from fears
#673 - marriage to a dear man whose gentle and loving ways transformed me
#674 - adult children who delight with their love for family
#675 - mothers who continue to give hearts and hands of love in their older years
#676 - giving hearts of adolescents to Compassion children
#677 - faithful friends over a lifetime
#678 - fathers who gave what they had in the ways they knew how
#679 - provision for needs over the years
#680 - children uncensored in gracious expressions
#681 - a faithful, Redeemer and Grace-Giver
Hopefully, love lifts you today and always.

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