Two weeks ago, a new co-worker offered to hang the one remaining picture. How gracious, I replied. I told her that I would be out of the office for the next two days, which may be a good time to hammer in the nail.
On Friday, as I was packing up to leave for home, I looked up and saw the picture hanging on the wall!
A week had come and gone without me noticing the results of the gracious gift my co-worker gave.
I wonder how often my eyes miss the gifts around and in me.
Health care providers request a wide open mouth to see what is inside. Today, I open wide my eyes and say Ah! to gifts, so many gifts, such as:
#711 a new picture on the wall
#712 colleagues at work
#713 lavender oil at bedtime
#714 a friend's delicious gumbo made for my family
#715 sharing life updates with a friend
#716 delivering small gifts to a friend departing on a medical mission
#717 visiting with Mama - hearing her heart
#718 listening to the China Anhui Traditional Orchestra on Friday evening
#719 hamstring stretches
#720 library books
#721 freshly cleaned linens on the bed
#722 airport pick-up
#723 thirty-one years of shared memories
#724 comfort for loved one in hospital - again
#725 awareness
#726 preparing meals for the freezer with a friend
#727 laundry completed - for now
#728 new song to sing
#729 celebrating a milestone
#730 writing notes to friends
#731 notes from friends
#732 renewed vision
#733 pilates
#734 afternoon nap
#735 watching horses graze
#736 warm blankets
#737 Earl Grey tea
#738 toast with jam
#739 hope as an anchor
#740 black tights
Open wide and say - Ah! with the Gratitude Community...
With eyes wide open,