But still, I fell short of my goal. As I looked at the clock and saw the time was over one hour beyond the time I set as bedtime, a sigh escaped my taut lips.
I got ready for bed after folding a dryer load of clothes. I set the alarm, sighing as I realized that my morning would be rushed due to this late bedtime.
I awakened before the alarm rang and got up to adjust the alarm so that I received 20 extra minutes of sleep.
When the alarm rang, I talked myself into uttering aloud thanksgiving words: thanks for waking me up; thank you that the shower will be warm, thank you for feeling rested, etc. It seemed so dark outside - too dark for this time of morning.
After all my morning preparations in bathroom and bedroom, I made my way to the kitchen. I looked at the clock in wonder - the numbers on the clock announced in green splendor that it was a full hour earlier than the bedroom alarm clock! Somehow, while adjusting the alarm time, I advanced the clock by one hour!
I laughed and laughed! Early morning slipped in quietly and delighted this woman who felt defeated by the slow growth in the habit of going to bed in a timely way.
Before I slip off to bed tonight, I smile with joy and gratitude as I remember the love and faithfulness of God, even when I miss the mark. A song of thanks tumbled from my lips. New beginnings come with each new day.
What a beautiful thing, God, to give thanks, to sing an anthem to you, the High God! To announce your love each daybreak, sing your faithful presence all through the night...Psalm 92: 1-2I give thanks in the company of others at Ann's grace-filled place.
#621 - 631
laughter with Barb and Young-chan about my adventure with alarms
clarity regarding my goals for the year
enough time in the morning to place a wonderful meal in the crock pot
body warming hat, gloves, scarf, and coat
spirit and soul warming presence of Love and Faithfulness - day and night
new lessons learned in walking with Mama during this season of life
friendships that span decades
brisk walk in the cold to deliver a warm meal to a neighbor
long distance connection with Pam
sharing a fleece throw with hubby while sitting and chatting
winter sunsets
Multitude Mondays: one of my favorite activities each the week!
In joy,

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