One of the highlights of the day occured when Vicki's mother, Louise, shared the story of how she and her husband added over 8 foster children to their family of two parents and four biological daughters.
The story went something like this: Louise's mother wanted to open her home to foster children, but it just did not come to pass. Louise and her brother grew up together until her brother died at age 12 years.
After seeing the movie, Room for One More , Louise began the process of opening her family's home to children with special needs. The children came, one after another, even a set of twins! In fact, one of the children (now an adult) stopped by to see the family at the shower!
After the baby shower ended, I had the pleasure of seeing the house in which this remarkably generous family lived. As I walked from the kitchen to the living room and from bedroom to bedroom, and outside where the large garden once laden with corn and fruit trees lay quiet, my mind and my heart opened up to the sacredness of what transpired in that home...
No matter how severe the loss or how recent the trauma, the power of being chosen to join a family - to belong - brought light and life to so many children.
As I continue counting to 1000 gifts along with the Gratitude Community, I am so grateful that there is room for one more, always.... Today, I am grateful for:
"A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows...God sets the lonely in families." Psalm 68:5-6
#262 my mother and father who gave me life and lessons
#263 grandparents I did not meet, but who helped shape my life
#264 my siblings whose wisdom was often conveyed by observation
#265 my siblings for memories and shared experiences
#266 the many aunts, uncles, and cousins who added to family life
#267 my husband, my dearest friend - loving you and living with you is an honor and pleasure
#268 my daughter - the winsome and wise one who continues to delight with words of life
#269 my son - so wise, so determined - joy boy grown into man with purpose and destiny
#270 my family through marriage - a tangible example of what it means to be accepted in the Beloved
#271 my Father, Jesus, my Redeemer, Holy Spirit, my Comforter who made room for me
Enjoyed your post today Donna! Have you ever read the book, "The Family Nobdoy Wanted," by Helen Doss? It was published in 1954. It is a true story about the Doss family and the 11 children they adopted. It is one of my favorite books. I first read it in high school I belive, and I still have that tattered worn copy on my shelf. I read it from time to time. Anyway, your post reminded me of this book.~ Grace and Peace
ReplyDeleteThanks for the post and reminder of the sacred calling of raising children!
ReplyDeleteDonna, what a precious post this was! I was especially touched by your comment about walking through the house where these children were raised...and realizing it was a holy place...that sacred things took place here. My daughter-in-law was speaking today of the book she was reading on the life of George Muller and how it challenged her to trust God more and live her faith out loud. It is also my desire to live my faith out loud. Your post reminds me of a family who did just that!
ReplyDeletePrecious post...thanks for sharing!