Saturday, August 27, 2011

Times and Seasons

 There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens...Ecclesiastes 3:1
Times and seasons frame our days, months, and years.  September marks the beginning of a new year in many ways: new school year, summer's last hurrah, and autumn in the air. 

As the end of August approaches, September brings additional assignments and opportunities my way.  After reviewing my to do and stop doing lists, I realize the time devoted to blogging on this page will not be part of this season.  I will not write posts for a season (undetermined in length).

I am grateful for each follower, reader, and commenter at this Doorway to Hope.  Your words added to the topics, perspectives, and discussions on the posts.  You enriched my journey.

Wishing you well in this time and in this season.

In joy,


Monday, August 22, 2011

Transformed by Love, Light and Life

I awakened as slivers of dawn's light exchanged places with blankets of darkness.  I began thinking thanks to God for love, light, life - for loved ones in the hospital, for healing, for help... Love, light, and life flooded my heart.  In the presence of Light, I am changed.

What a contrast from a few weeks earlier when early morning thoughts included to do lists and strategies for problems.  I remembered to give thanks once I fully awakened. 

Ah, how much more preferable to spill out gratitude first and early.  Whether day or night - gratitude gives way to love, light, and life.

Spending time recuperating opens opportunities for transforming perceptions - an unexpected gift during these quiet August days and nights.

How exquisite your love, O God!...You're a fountain of cascading light, and you open our eyes to light. Psalm 36:7,9 (The Message)
Along with Ann's Gratitude Community, I am counting gifts from Love, Light, and Life.

#1066 - #1070
soaking rain for parched ground
vase filled with peachy pink Gerbera daisies
almonds and raisins for snacking
multiple pillows
cool nights

#1071 - #1075
practical help from family
- trips up and down stairs
- laundry washed, dried, and folded
- meal preparation
- prayers

#1076 - #1080
freshly made popcorn
conversation time
dreaming dreams
hearing hopes
celebrating 32 years of loving commitment

#1081 - #1085
taking small steps
celebrating new life
sitting with bereaved friends
supporting weary hands
giving thanks early

In joy,

Friday, August 19, 2011

Walking by Faith? Begin with Small Steps

Recently, I received a new shoe - just one.  The nurse who applied it to my right foot after surgery advised me that I had to wear it all the time - yes 24/7. 

Hospital discharge instructions permitted me to walk on the heel of my new shoe.

One stark problem emerged: the sharp pain from placing weight even just on the heel sent me reeling backwards onto my bed!

Well, I find it amusing that an Aha! occurred in my inert position on the bed:
We learn to walk by taking small steps

I progressed from one stage of recovery to another by taking baby steps - literally!  Strengthening my physical walk parallels strengthening my spiritual walk.

We often refer to the Christian life as walking by faith.

Small steps to walking by faith include:
  • celebrating incremental progress, e.g., finding a grace gift in the middle of a messy moment or tough days
  • practicing faithfulness in disciplines of worship, prayer, Scripture reading, service, and simplicity
  • growing in love - the vehicle through which faith works: receiving the love of God enables us to love

    For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision counts for anything, but only faith working through love. Galatians 5:6 ESV
Small steps pave the way for growth in this walk of faith...I share these words today from a heart that knows the value of taking small steps in this faith walk.

Please pray with me to remember this truth as I hesitantly take small steps in my physical recovery...

Hoping fully,

Take a moment to join the Faith Barista Jam and serve your cup of small acts of faith.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Framing praises

From the rising of the sun to its setting, the name of the LORD is to be praised!  Psalm 113:3

Sun rises, sun sets;
Day in and day out
creation praises the name of the LORD;
Question is: will I praise or simply doubt?

Sun rises, sun sets;
Framing the praises we bring;
Before the rising and setting sun
I sing to the Savior, Redeemer, the King.

Sun rises, sun sets;
Whether the day smoothly flows or hits a dead end,
circumstances don't have to  hold sway;
Praise to the Lord transcends each pathway bend.

Sun rises, sun sets;
This new month reminds me to live
fully with increased praise for the Name above all.
The solar movement frames that praise I give.

In joy,

Monday, August 1, 2011

Little Joys

Throughout the past week, I intentionally sought awareness of little joys - those moments that make me smile and bubble forth thanks.  I noticed that the more aware I became of little joys, the sooner I identified them - and the lighter my mood became!

Today,  I join Ann's multitude of friends writing gratitude lists

I am grateful for little joyssuch as:

#1056 - 1065

three young adults embarking on holy adventures
three young teen boys declaring their manhood moments

tasty banana pudding
delicious marinated cucumbers (picked fresh from the garden)

assignments completed
planning for weeks ahead

grace and forgiveness for grouchy mood
decision to seek joy

cheerful phone message about mission completed
swimming goal met

Hope you find little joys this week!