A friend told me that her boat, anchored to the pier, was tossed to and fro in the strong winds. Although the winds blew strong and hard against it, the boat never lost its anchor. I identify with that boat as winds blow strong and hard in my life, the lives of family, friends, work colleagues, and more. In the midst of the storms, I made the decision to live my life trading anxiety for Peace, self-reliance for Help, fear for Love, and turmoil for Comfort. Once that decision was made, I let down my anchor. On days like today, I have to remember that I am anchored. Gracious words, loving words, comforting presence came from various sources to remind me...so I am grateful for:
#212 generous offer to borrow my friend's camera so that I could remember beautiful scenes in the mountains at the school nurse conference
#213 rich time of sharing with youth
#214 freedom to cry while informing fellow journey-ers about my current storm
#215 understanding more than ever that joy can exist within even when trouble stirs without
#216 decision to go after rest
#217 dinner with Mama
#218 greetings from cousin in town for a visit
#219 curiosity in the eyes of a precious six month old baby girl sitting on my lap
#220 conversations with young adult children
#221 hope that grows!