Monday, December 27, 2010

Year-End [Thanks] Giving

"It's not too Late!" shouted the email subject line...

Snail mail and email messages show up in abundance in my mailboxes during December.

This time of year - the end of the year - organizations encourage financial giving as businesses and individuals generously open their hearts to respond.

In my household, we prayerful determine where to give dollars.  In my heart, I know I cannot live well without giving thanks.

Jack Hayford reminds us that "giving is a mind-set."

Let us come before Him with thanksgiving...Psalm 95:2  Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!  1 Corinthians 9:15
God modeled giving when He gave His Son, Immanuel, to be with us.
The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.  We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.  John 1:14
As I move through this year-end, I am grateful for more than can be typed out on this page.  Below you will find representatives of my Year-end [thanks] giving to the One who is Light and Life to me.

# 581-610

celebrating advent with my family

celebrating advent with 7th and 8th grade youth in my church family

eating Christmas breakfast with a newly divorced friend and her two young sons

singing Happy Birthday, Jesus at the breakfast table on Christmas morning

listening to songs of Christmas piped throughout the house

praying for and with friends who grieve the death of precious loved ones

keeping the home fires burning with a scaled back schedule

visiting family and friends - sharing laughter and love

nursing sick loved ones back to health

rediscovering Hannah Hurnard's Hind's Feet on High Places

receiving from caring and praying friends

giving care and friendship

seeking, really seeking, direction for the new year

discovering and attending BSF

connecting with new friends in the blogosphere

shedding clutter and baggage

writing for varied audiences

continuing to work in two fulfilling careers

loving and being loved in marriage for 31 years

seeing my adult children link careers with their gifts and talents

memorizing the promises of God for family

painting warm colors on walls

walking many miles for fitness and fellowship

understanding more by listening more

receiving showers of blessings throughout the years

enjoying extended family vacations

rekindling the joy of taking photos

learning and practicing additional technology skills

continuing to grow in grace with the help of the Grace-Giver

finding Ann Voskamp's Gratitude Community 

and so much more...!

Year-end blessings to you,

Saturday, December 25, 2010

In Wonder As I Wander

In wonder, I journeyed the season of Advent,
Seeking and finding God's glory and might.
Being still to know Him who sent
His Son, the Word, the Life, the Light.

In wonder, I resolve to journey still,
Aware of the gifts Love continues to give.
Love that willingly climbed the hill
where the great exchange enabled us to live.

In wonder as I daily wander this path
receiving and giving hope, grace, and love.
Infinite and eternal Lord, I can hardly do the math,
to number the endless blessings you send from above.

Joy to the world, the Lord has come!  Let heaven and nature sing!

Christmas blessings from

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Tidings of Comfort and Joy

This Advent season arrived in the midst of grieving the losses of friends and loved ones in my church family. 

I find myself thinking about my father who died 17 years ago this month.  I still miss him. 

I think of my nephew and my sister.  I still miss them.

I think of my friend who died last month; I think of his wife and what she feels this season.

As the songs of Christmas waft through shopping malls and ear buds, in cars and homes, the message of comfort and joy resounds.

In the midst of grief and loss, "How can this be?"

How do comfort and joy come when hearts hurt?

Christmas is a reminder that God cares for us.  Knowing what Jesus, His One and Only Son, would suffer, God sent Him so that we could live.
Since the children are made of flesh and blood, it's logical that the Savior took on flesh and blood in order to rescue them by his death. By embracing death, taking it into himself, he destroyed the Devil's hold on death and freed all who cower through life, scared to death of death.  Hebrews 2:14-15 The Message
We feel what we feel - being real in our emotions. 

Jesus knows what we feel and comforts us as we go through grief and loss.  And He sends those who know His joy and comfort to be present with those who need comfort.  

Send me, Lord; I'll go. 

I will bear witness to the feelings of grief and loss.  I will bear witness to the Love that bore our infirmities and carried our sorrows on the cross.  I received comfort from special friends along the way.  I am grateful.

How are you unwrapping the gift of Jesus this season?

Come, join me as I visit the Faith Barista and loads of others journeying this way.

You may consider reading and sharing the book (and song) When I Get Where I'm Going.  The book is filled with tidings of comfort and yes, even joy.


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Love Endures All Things

Today, my colleague, Teresa, shared with me a book that her sister, Ginda Ayd Simpson, wrote as a tribute to their father who died from Alzheimer's. 

The book, Love Endures All Things: A Journey  with "AL"zheimers, poignantly and graciously tells the story of the "pilfering" that occurs with this disease. 

The words wrap  themselves around the heart and mind.  The paintings feed the eyes with glimpses of the fragmentation of a disease that steals from people cognitively and physically.

As I walk with my mother through episodes of forgetfulness, I am reminded by Ginda that thoughtfulness, a soothing voice, smiles, and "the familiar and healing warmth of human touch" are gifts we can give to our loved ones.

I plan to share the gift of these heart-felt words and descriptive images with families experiencing similar journeys.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Grateful for Provision

Teaching 12-13 year old young people on Sundays stretches this soul.

As we seek to learn about Jesus, our Lord, Advent provides step by step learning.

Last week's class began with sharing the Jesse Tree Advent Devotional reading for December 5.  We talked about the Branch that emerged from the root of Jesse.

We talked about Abraham's discovery of the lengths to which God goes to provide for us.  Their assignment for the week was to write 10 things the Lord has provided for them.

On December 12, the class had forgotten to write their lists of provision, but they remembered my promise of a sweet treat.

After teaching two classes, these bones wanted to rest, wondering if the seeds fell on fertile soil.

While gathering my belongings in the quiet, once filled with chatter room, she slowly walked up to me and asked: "What is Advent?  I don't remember."

I answered; we smiled; she left the room...only to return five minutes later.

She opened her rose-colored  Bible and pulled out a folded piece of paper.  "Did you want me to hand in my list of what God provided me?"

My heart broke: she had taken time during the week to write her gratitude list for all the Lord had provided, including:
"my mother and my father"
"sisters and brother"
"a home"

I read each written word - so precious her heart that remembered Him - Jehovah Jireh, the One Who Provides.  Her openness to write her gratitude list encouraged me.

As I remember today, I give thanks for:

#571 young hearts learning to be thankful to the Lord

#572 this older heart awakening anew to the blessing in gratitude

#573 warm homes

#574 curious minds

#575 the team at my workplace

#576 Mama's lilting voice this day

#577 sharing a knowing glance across the room

#578 removing old carpet in the room where youth gather

#579 submitting to the exchange of this old wineskin for a new one

#580 this year's Advent journey

I am thankful that Ann's book has been pre-ordered and will arrive next month!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Christmas Presence

The Faith Barista post on gift giving at Christmas struck a chord with me - especially the suggestion to consider an individual's love language when choosing a gift.  In  recent years, after "missing the gift mark" at times, I spend more time thinking about giving gifts that resonate with the receiver.

Last week was a busy week of Christmas gift-giving from me to others.  The gifts were as different as the person to whom they were given, but they had a common theme.  I gave the gift of presence - spending time with my mother; going out to dinner with my husband and a dear couple we have not spent much time with; meeting my friend for dinner to celebrate her birthday; praying with another friend...

I shopped for gifts from stores for other family and friends.  My children still receive from me an ornament that tells the story of an aspect of their lives in the current year. One friend enjoys gifts from World Vision or other life-giving gifts, so that is what I give to her.

I am not at all original in my desire to share my presence with friends, loved ones, and even strangers during the Christmas season.

God gave the gift of Immanuel - God with Us.  His presence continues to give...
"A Savior has just been born in David's town, a Savior who is Messiah and Master." Luke 2

Monday, December 6, 2010

Gifts from Around the World

It dawned on me somewhere between the jollof rice and the jerk chicken; the sweet potato casserole and the collard greens:

This annual international dinner planned by the church staff and numerous volunteers displays the gift among us - the church family from 22 nations, speaking many languages and dialects.

Flags of various countries adorned every wall in the room. 

Delectable native dishes stayed warm over sternos.

The people radiated comfort and joy.

Today, I am grateful for gifts from around the world within my church family, such as:

#561 - a multi-national church family

#562 - a group of youth who shares their mites to support two Compassion children each month

#563 - explaining the advent Jesse Tree journey to 12 and 13 year old students

#564 - praying with friends from half a dozen African nations

#565 - an Indian friend with whom to share child-rearing wisdom

#566 - acknowledging my need to continue to grow, to stretch

#567 - learning to sing songs of praise in a new (to me) language

#568 - wearing Lilian's gift and being transformed

#569 - being fearfully and wonderfully made

#570 - affirming God's image in us
And they sang a new song, saying, “Worthy are you to take the scroll and to open its seals, for you were slain, and by your blood you ransomed people for God from every tribe and language and people and nation.  Rev. 5: 9 ESV

I am grateful to join a community of thanksgivers at Ann's Gratitude Community.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

High Hopes

He stood at the corner holding a sign that told the story:
"Out of work.  Need Help.  God Bless."

She sighed as she gathered her boys close to her.  This is the first Christmas since the divorce she never wanted.

The strained voice on the telephone sought a promise not to be placed in a nursing home.

High hopes dashed by the weights we carry.
Every year I have every intention of keeping Christmas simple. 
I rarely succeed.

This year is different.  I began the process of simplifying my life earlier in the year.

I am hopeful that this year I will stop to see, hear, say what the Lord is communicating to me, through me and through others. 
This is my ADVENTure and my hope this Christmas.

For this Christmas season, I hope for many people to unwrap the gifts of salvation, peace, faith.

I hope to be a carrier of the message of Hope.

How can this be?  The Holy Spirit will give me power to share the good news, to give the practical help, and to quiet the busyness in my life and heart.

High hopes?  Very Present Help is here!
“Behold, this is our God; we have waited for him, that he might save us. This is the Lord; we have waited for him; let us be glad and rejoice in his salvation.” Isaiah 25:9

What are your hopes for Christmas?  Share with the folks at the Faith Barista Jam


Monday, November 29, 2010

Clothes for the Season

The clothes on trees this season reminded me of the upcoming season.

Most of the trees stand naked - no leaves to cover them.  The season of dormancy slid in quietly.  Dormancy allows plants to survive conditions of cold, drought, or other stress.

In my life, this season finds me changing my "clothes": decluttering at the office, at home, in my heart; listening more than speaking; receiving and giving grace. Living life with faith, intention, and mindfulness are the clothes I am wearing this season. 
I am trusting the Master to prune me, to prepare me, to grow me this season.  
Maybe dormancy is the current season for this vine; the adventure continues...
I delight greatly in the Lord; my soul rejoices in my God.  For he has clothed me with garments  of salvation and arrayed me in a robe of righteousness... Isaiah 61:10
I open my heart and my eyes with gratitude to gifts seen in the midst of the season:

#541 colorful landscapes in the fall

#542 power walking

#543 beautifully designed and skillfully sewn Nigerian dress - a gift from a friend

#544 conversation about the future with a dear friend

#545 yielding to a simpler flow of life

#546 tasty red lentil and butternut squash soup made by my firstborn

#547 dinner with extended families

#548 steady progress in the physical and cognitive development of a special girl

#549 clarity regarding a dilemma

#550 guidance from the One who shepherds

#551 a warm home during the cold weather

#552 a heart made alive

#553 Scrabble games with my husband

#554 phone calls from Florida

#555 hope - I am never ashamed of my hope in God

#556 learning to do the next thing when I am overwhelmed

#557 flexibility to accept a last minute dinner invitation

#558 fresh coats of paint on the walls

#559 writing letters and notes to friends

#560 grace to listen

My thankful heart joins many others at the Gratitude Community

holy experience

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Putting My Foot Down

The news passed me by; the conversation was closed until I happened to ask a question.  Oh well, no  big deal or so I thought.

The familiar feeling of rejection washed over me like a cold wind. 

Thoughts swirled out of control like leaves dancing in the wind.

"Did I say something wrong?"

"Maybe I did not reach out to connect often enough."

Then, I remembered what I learned long ago as a new bride: When thoughts swirl out of control, I can put my foot down, just the way I put my foot down on the playground while going round and round and  round on the merry  go round. 

The swirling stops when I out my foot down.

When I put my foot down, I determine where the thoughts go and how long they linger.

What does it look like to put my foot down?  I give thanks to God!
O Lord, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done marvelous things, things planned so long ago.  Isaiah 25:1
Today, I give thanks for:

#511 my mother's eagerness to share recipes

#512 rice pudding (Mama's recipe) warm from the oven

#513 standing in the kitchen chatting with my daughter who cooks.very.well

#514 learning cooking tips from my daughter

#515 speaking with my son after his work assignment

#516 learning grilling tips from my son

#517 dreaming with my husband

#518 candles that give fragrance and light

#518 the Light that gives joy and strength

#519 grace to be and to do

#520 walking to the mailbox with the late autumn sun beaming on my face

#521 teaching a young friend to make chili, then sharing the meal together

#522 pretty purple pansies standing tall in the container

#523 thought-stopping tools

#524 warm and fragrant apple cake fresh from the oven

#525 newly organized desk

#526 sitting in the stands with my husband watching college basketball

#527 quick recovery from disappointment

#528 dinner with a dear friend

#529 visiting with two pastors who positively influenced my life over the years

#530 celebrating John's life with his family and friends

#531 growing in giving thanks

#532 generations: family by birth, family by marriage, and family made by love

#533 songs of freedom; songs of deliverance

#534 His mercy; His faithfulness

#535 His Word - fresh daily bread

#536 BSF and friends (YC, Debbie, Stephani) who shared this resource with me

#537 encouragement received and given

#538 understanding and wisdom from my husband

#539 long neighborhood walks

#540 Ann's encouragement to be thankful.always

Happy Thanks!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Walk this Way

Over the years, my mother's solid and purposeful footsteps formed an indelible memory in my mind.  I enjoyed walks with her when I was young...walking to a bus stop, a store...

My mother's footsteps - rapid and firm - have changed only slightly in her latter years.

I visited my mother last week.  She appeared at the front door of her apartment as I approached.  She smiled as she said: "I heard your footsteps; they sound just like mine."

My daughter visited Grandma today.  As she approached the apartment, Grandma opened the door and said: "Oh, I heard your footsteps.  You walk just like me and just like your mother."

In recent weeks, my mother's steps have slowed considerably.  My heart deeply feels that change. 

At the end of our phone call today, Mama said: "Pray for me." 

I whispered: "I do, Mama; I do."

Thank you, Lord, that my mother taught me to walk this way.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Thoughts on Falling Leaves

I stood outside this morning watching leaves fall from multi-colored trees. The  briskly blowing wind hastened the free fall of leaves.  

The beauty of vibrant hues on once green leaves evokes deep memories of:
  • losing a house key while walking home from elementary school; I searched for  the key in piles of leaves well until after the sun went down
  • walking through leaves on my high school grounds on the way to the bus stop for the long.ride.home.
  • attending leaf raking parties in the fall at the Lambs' home with plentiful leaves, chili, friends, and fun
  • kicking through leaves while traveling from one class to the next on the college campus
  • watching my children jumping into tall piles of leaves in the back yard after raking with mom and dad
  • knowing that falling leaves heralds a season of preparation
What do falling leaves bring to your memory?

Falling leaves also remind me of fallen seeds.  My friend John died last week. He taught me, taught many about God as our Father and us as God's sons. The lessons learned and applied transformed my life. I thank God for John's life; he planted many seeds.  I pray for comfort for John's wife, children, and grandchildren.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Forgiving is For Giving

As a teen, I learned that I could shrink my heart by holding a grudge. 

It started when I confided in a friend; told her what I could hardly tell myself.

I noticed that I felt relieved by releasing my secret.

Then it happened.  As I stood speaking with the pastor at the back of the church, he asked me about the very thing I had kept from every  I stammered low and hurried away from his presence - heart beating fast, tears streaming down, anger welling up and tumbling out faster than I could run.

When I saw her later, I couldn't wouldn't speak.  She asked what was wrong.  I asked her how she could betray my confidence.  We stopped being friends.

Forgiveness seemed to me a strange response for someone who hurt me so.  But as I saw her laughing with her I wandered lonely through the halls, the truth slowly unfurled: I could not find joy because I shrank my heart.  In my attempt to protect myself from hurt, I locked out the very gift given freely to me - forgiveness.
Like a victim of a spiritual stroke or heart attack, I haven't let my mind be as Christ's or my heart beat as  His.  I missed giving in His order of gracious largeness of heart.  Jack Hayford
How can I not give what has been freely given to me?  I know what God has forgiven in my life.  I am grateful.  My gratitude is shown by imitating Him.

Over time, I have learned to give forgiveness because forgiving is for giving. The lessons came hard; the lessons came steadily. I am grateful for Love that gives and forgives.
For if you forgive  men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.  But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.  Matthew 6:14-15
How do you give?

You may want to visit with Ann for Walk with Him Wednesday

holy experience

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Developing Negatives

Kelly found her sweet spot through photography.

I discovered photography during my senior year of high school.  No one and nothing was safe whenever I was near with my camera.  Not the dog (wish I still had the photos), not the family, not even the flowers by the fence.

During that high school photography course, I learned to develop black and white film.  The slowly emerging pictures took me by surprise.  My teacher taught that once you really learned the skill of photography, you could envision the final product even before it appeared in the darkroom.

So it is with the Lord, Master Creator.  He envisioned who I would be well before I was developed.  I am grateful that my negatives (character flaws, self-pleasing bent, self-righteous, and more) were washed in His developing bath.  Salvation comes from the Lord.

I am grateful; I am still developing.  Thank you, Lord.

For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.  Ephesians 2:10

Monday, November 8, 2010

10 Steps into Joy

Since the calendar moved forward to November, whispers of gratitude echo in my senses.  The whispers multiplied this month, in part because I gave myself space to see, smell, hear, touch, and taste His goodness.

Steps to deeper joy begin with one word of thanks.  Gratitude grows; joy takes hold; I am transformed, and so I go step by step into joy through the doorway of thanksgiving.

Step # 501: thankful to have legs and arms that still dance for Him

Step # 502: grateful for the crock pot that cooks while I'm out of the home

Step # 503: deeply inhaling the fragrance of scallion and jalapeno embellished cornbread fresh from the oven

Step # 504: thankful for ears to hear mother's heart as she bares her soul

Step # 505: grateful for the sure, strong, loving touch of my husband's hands
Step # 506: eyes dance with appreciation for the beauty of the earth

Step # 507: taste buds drool with delight bite after bite of golden delicious treat

Step # 508: lips pour out gratitude for life, salvation, grace, mercy...

Step # 509: thankful for growth that continues - He will complete the work

Step # 510: believing, receiving, giving Love's love

Steps into joy begin with my heart of thanks.  You may want to step over to Ann's place to share your gratitude list today.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Breath of Freedom

In days before I understood
I held onto guilt; I  thought I should
keep myself wrapped in guilt's warm cocoon;
that's what the law taught me to do.

But, o happy day, when grace I knew!
Repentance allowed the light to breathe through
my tightly wound and bound core;
until like a butterfly, now I soar!

Join the crowd at the Faith Barista Jam.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

The life I live...

The Question

I was in my 20's and had not given much thought to God's purpose for my life, so I was a bit unnerved when Lori asked me what my gifts were and what I would do with them.  'My gifts?'  I stammered.  'I don't really know.'

Lori shared how encouragement seemed so evident in my interactions with people.  From her question began my journey to seek God's purpose for my life. 

The Quest

As a child of God, wife, mother, nurse, daughter, sister, friend, and many other roles,  I recognized my ultimate purpose early in life:
" act justly, and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God."  Micah 6:8
I focused on that purpose, all the while seeking from God what He had in mind for me on this earth.  Bit by bit; conversation by conversation, I tried my best to live the way I should live in order to become who God intended.

The Quieting Truth

I chatted with a  young adult who told me he is learning to live the life of faith with increased trust in the One who authored that faith.  I shared with him how, for years, I lived my life of faith as though I authored and finished it.  But, time and grace brought maturity.  Learning along the way to emphasize being a woman of faith enabled me to become more and more a woman of faith.  Somehow, I thought from the doing flowed the being.  I know differently now.
Jesus says, "If you abide in Me..." it  will begin to happen.  Association - a constant link - with Him will produce dissociation - a consuming break - with everything in us that isn't of Him.  And when He makes us what  God the Father designed us to be, we are relieved of the task of trying to appear as something we thought we ought to be.  Jack Hayford in Moments with Majesty
I abide in Him; He abides in me, therefore, I can bear fruit; for without Him I can do nothing.  (My paraphrase of John 15:5)

I now live a life of grace, powered by the Vine.  How Divine.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Steadily Thankful

My daughter bought a hybrid car.  Recently, she questioned why the gas mileage fell short of expectations.  As she shared this thought with her wise father, he encouraged her to be mindful of driving a steady speed instead of surging fast and slowing down.

Dear daughter implemented Dad's advice on the road.  She also applied the wisdom to her life, moving steadily through responsibilites during her day, with the result that she accomplished more than usual.

Now I am adopting this wisdom as I remember to remain steady in giving thanks, in being grateful, steadily thankful for...

#482 - 500

loved one home from the hospital and recovering

bevy of pray-ers for this loved one

pansies thriving in flower pots

parsley that keeps giving

dream boosting friends

decluttering my work space

decluttering my mind

listening to the whispers

children dancing and laughing at quinceanera

music that expresses unspoken sentiments

quiet conversations at the end of the evening

helpful surgical consult

surprising sister with gift of connectivity

hope that grows

lingering  conversations after dinner

beautiful sunrises

neck massages

reconnection with family at the end of the workday


Steadily giving thanks with Ann's One Thousand Gifts blog

holy experience

Thursday, October 21, 2010

If You're Happy and You Know It...

...happy are the people whose God is the Lord.  Psalm 144:15

While walking in the neighborhood in early October, I stopped to watch a tractor smoothing out over-turned soil.  Summer corn harvested and fall cleaning started.

I viewed the soil turning site as a metaphor for my life this year: under the watchful eyes of the Sovereign Lord (tractor driver), circumstances (the tractor) worked to turn over packed down soil (uncultivated areas of my heart) in me.

That revelation seemed neat and pretty in theory.  Wouldn't you know it - this metaphor played out in real life!

The story is way too long to spill out on this page, however, the abridged version follows.

I read a scripture last week in Isaiah 7:9b: "If you do not stand firm in your faith, you won't stand at all."  Sounds reasonable, right?

Well, before the day was done, a loved one was in the hospital far away from where I live.  I kept tabs by telephone on how the health problem progressed...or didn't.

By the second day of the hospitalization, I thought I should go and offer assistance (you know, being the nurse on duty).

For a number of reasons, I could not travel to the hospital.  One of the reasons came from inside my heart.  I needed to trust God to provide what was needed through others geographically closer to my loved one.

What?!!  I couldn't go and make sure the care was appropriate and prayers were offered regularly at the bedside?

It was touch and go for a while - with the patient and with my heart.

I gradually leaned on the truth that the Sovereign Lord had the patient and me covered in His loving and merciful hands.  

I learned in this instance to be still and trust God's process.  My trust and faith increased in the One who was so near...the Love that vanquished my fear. 

I began to relax.  I kept in close contact with the helpers helping my loved one.  I provided consultation as needed. 

Today, I smile at the progress over the week: a body being healed and a soul being healed.  I am grateful; I am growing.  I am happy. 
He will have no fear of bad news; his heart is steadfast, trusting in the LORD.  Psalm 112:7
Keeping it real with the Faith Barista this jamming Thursday!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Night Songs

Troubles seemed to grow like weeds over the past weeks.  Simultaneously, prayers for healing multiplied toward the throne of the One who hears and helps...our Refuge and Strength; our very present Help. 

After decades of witnessing the power of song, I marvel at the truth that singing, even during dark nights of the soul, awakens thanksgiving in my heart.
You hold my eyelids open; I am so troubled that I cannot speak.  I have considered the days of old, the years of ancient times.  I call to remembrance my song in the night; I meditate within my heart, and my spirit makes diligent search.  Psalm 77:4-6
So I sing: I sing in tune with Truth. 
I sing lyrics written by Love. 
I rest in refrains sung by my Redeemer.

I sing with thanks for:

#472 - 481

a long history of grace moments (I remember, Lord!)

enduring love in marriage

privilege of seeing two precious children grow to adulthood

companions in intercession during dark nights

comfort and care for parents who recently experienced the death of their child

hope for healing

faith: authored and finished by the only One who can

tears: they speak volumes when words fail

blood: divine and human

being held when so much seems to be falling apart

Nothing is impossible for You; you hold my world in Your hands!
Hear one song that has crossed my lips many times this weekend: Healer

holy experience